There are times I thought some of Sam Smith's music was that of Justin Timberlake like from the song latch haha and so many other songs I thought was somebody else but was actually sang by him I'm so sorry Sam!
I expect a lot of people of course, hopefully I could find a nice, short walking distance parking with affordable price range (sadly I don't think there's any free parking :/ ), A very soulful, tear jerking heartfelt, heartwarming performance. The merch of course would be hella expensive!I hope there are some signed stuff another thing I hope a really big screen or like multiples of it and not just one of those blurry projectors.
After: American Airlines Arena, Miami FL Concert Experience.
I got had near the parking lot someone pretended to help me park dunno why I was caught off guard ugh I hate this kind of scams! anyway, he told me to give him some money as he got the parking ticket in his hands and quickly put it in my dashboard (red flag!) I gave him some money and told me he'll just get some change (another red flag!) but he never came back nor gave me my change back (curses!) I just think about this kind of hoodlums will eventually get caught, karma eventually take its toll, pray for him to change and get an actual paying honest job to get him off the streets and justice in the end of course.
These things do happen in real life I'm just glad I'm alive and well got outta that hell hole safe just like my mom use to say money can always be earned but life is priceless anyway, I tried to enjoy the concert as much as I can although I can't help but think til I get home and I was really exhausted from driving and that over all experience but I won't let that define my whole night it's a learning experience I just hope noone would ever experience it (even though this sh!t happens dunno for how long) truly feels like GTA men...
I actually called their police hotline and the operator told me they don't actually have that kind of thing where you can just call in the report I have to tell the stationed officer that time, be there in person and testify and all that. I just hope and pray the miami police department system would upgrade itself with their crime fighting rate. It's hard and tough being a cop or a responder for that kind of matter. There's always a loophole in the system please fix it soon asap! I also looked up loads of things online about crimestoppers,tipsters and all that it's so not that organize you know they need a new system, much simple graphic design,css or programming on their sites and more pictures of criminals out there available in public plus more warnings and police stations/walking around patrolling the streets or undercover.
I actually got lost while looking for my seat and eventually found it before the Sam sang haha I'm actually a bit relieved my seat wasn't so bad afterall I mean it's alright way up high and I got some pretty good video shots woohoo! and I'm glad I managed to pull it all off capture the vibe and songs I like and love, My video doesn't do any justice to Sam's voice etc. It was an awesome song truly a night to remember :)) It's nice to have this sort of human social experience, they came across the pond for us to experience their musical talent and I think it's worth it to watch them live! support the arts and music industry!
I love the flashlight scene and I like how there's an oldtimer who took out his lighter instead of those flashlight/cellphone flashlight app. haha! I don't think there's a merch stand inside all I saw was food and drinks which are overpriced and expensive, during the security search there are a lot of water and granola bars on hold the tables. And after the concert I saw some guy selling Sam Smith's printed face,name and such in cheap cotton shirts probably around $10 or so. Some guy across the street was even selling "legalized marijuana" uh-huh I kept walking. I need to remind myself to wear some socks next time my skin kinda rubbed off my shoes it sucks took me almost a day to heal ugh -_- the rest of the week was actually pretty nice and cool lady luck's on my side. Like they said everything happens for a reason, live life and let things we can't control go! let it go! keep on moving forward! plus next time I'll come prepared haha!